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Quote/Purchase Contract
Contract Details:QTYTotal

1 0
Stainless Grain Finish
Front: Flat Turn Down-1.625" height
Right: Flat Turn Down-1.625" height
Left: Raw Edge-0.06" height
Rear: Raw Edge-0.06" height
Left Front: Square
Right Front: Square
Left Rear: Square
Right Rear: Square
Welded Top Plate
Stainless Grain Finish
Flat Top - Hood
Integral Bottom Band
Halogen Lights, Dimmer, Filters - Flat Stainless Plate
Fan w Switch & Wiring
Roof/Wall - 600 CFM - Broan 331H1158
Sub Total 1637
Shipping: Crate For Shipping: 178178
Shipping: Prepare for Pickup: 307307
Total price$1815
Terms and Conditions
Handcrafted Metal Inc. agrees to provide Buyer the item(s) listed above for the amount shown, according to the schedule of payments detailed below in Payment Terms. Prices shown are valid for 30 days from date shown at top of this contract. This Quote becomes a binding contract when signed. Upon receipt of signed contract and payment, we will start work.
Payment Terms:Projects up to $2000 total: payment in full required with order. Projects more than $2000 total 50% required with order, balance 2 to 3 weeks before shipping. Signature below indicates acceptance of all terms and conditions shown herein and on our Terms and Conditions page at
Authorized Signer For Buyer