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Mounting Island Hoods

We make mounting your island hood as easy as possible. Our hood interiors are easily removable to give you access to work inside, and we weld a heavy steel plate in the top of the hood to provide a solid mounting surface. Island hoods often need to mount where there is no access from above, such as when there is a second floor above. When this is the case, all attachments have to happen from below. When the hood or stack is not too tall, you can reach the top and run screws from inside. If the hood or stack is too tall and narrow to reach fasteners from the inside, we can add a heavy welded mounting flange on the outside. We use 1/4" thick steel plate for the mounting surfaces so that everything is extra strong and completely rigid.

Short Hoods With No Stack or a Short Stack
This hood has a relatively short stack which allows access to mounting screws from the inside. The top of the stack has a solid 1/4" thick steel plate that serves as the attachment surface. There are 4 bolt holes at the corners for the fasteners that will suspend the hood. This stack is a separate piece, and can be removed from the hood and installed first. After the stack is mounted, the hood can be easily lifted onto the studs that we provide on the bottom of the stack and secured with nuts from inside the hood.

  Top Plate Detail View
Hoods With Tall Stacks
This hood has a long stack, which makes reaching fasteners inside the stack impractical. Because there was no access from above, we provided a heavy 1/4" steel mounting flange on the outside of the stack. Before installation, framing was installed in the ceiling to match up perfectly with our mounting holes. This stack is a separate piece, and is best removed from the hood and installed separately. Round stacks of this type slide into a round mounting flange in the top of the hood where they are secured with bolts.

  Mounting Flange Detail View

Tall Island Hoods With No Access From Above
This hood is about 8' tall, and there was no access from above. The stack is too narrow for an installer to reach up to the top from the inside to drive screws. To allow attachment from below, from outside the stack, we provided a bolt-on plate to move the mounting holes out beyond the edges of the stack.

Tall Island Hoods With Access From Above
This hood is about 7' tall, but it had access from above, so threaded rods were installed into our mounting holes in advance. The pre-installed threaded rods reached up past the beams above as the hood was lifted into place. This is the usual situation when there is access from the roof or from inside an attic.